Looking after Mental Health whilst Studying

Feeling positive is crucial for effective revision. This includes your emotional and psychological well-being while you revise. Your thoughts and feelings play a significant role in mastering focus, motivation, and the ability to retain information. For this reason, you should be prioritizing your mental health while you are studying.

We have compiled a list of tips, recommended by mental health experts, that can help you look after your mental health while studying. Different strategies work for different individuals, so it’s important to find what works best for you.

Set realistic goals

Feeling overwhelmed and stressed by the workload is common during revision. Try breaking down major tasks into smaller ones and spreading them out over several days. This organizational approach allows you to set achievable daily mini-goals and enhances your ability to concentrate on the task at hand.

Take regular breaks

Divide your study sessions with regular breaks. You don’t have to spend hours on end studying without a break. Schedule designated break times and don’t feel guilty about taking them. There are many theories that promote the idea that short breaks significantly improve concentration levels.

Stay active

When you take breaks, engage in physical activity. Exercise has been shown to boost mood and improve focus. Mandolesi et al. (2018) found that physical movement increases blood flow, enhances concentration, improves attention, and boosts memory.

You can easily perform exercises like push-ups, squats, burpees, or mountain climbers in the available space in your house or room. For longer breaks, go for a walk or run in your area or visit the gym.

Maintain a healthy diet

Making small, healthier changes to your diet can have a positive impact on your mental health. a well-balanced diet rich in nutrients improves energy levels, mood, reduces stress, and enhances cognitive performance.

Try replacing chocolate and crisps with nuts and fruits. Include more vegetables and lean meat in your dinner. You can also explore free recipes from student eats which provides affordable and healthy meal ideas that promote positive mental health.

Prioritize sleep

Sleep is your ally. It’s recommended to get an average of seven to nine hours of sleep per night. Sleeping less or more than that can impair your focus, motivation, and mental well-being. If you struggle with sleep, try reading a book 30 minutes before bedtime, minimize light in your room, and ensure a comfortable temperature.

Connect with other students

Social connections are vital for maintaining good mental health. It’s easy to feel isolated while studying, so reach out to classmates and friends. Create study groups using platforms like Zoom or, when possible, arrange in-person study sessions. If you need assistance or have questions, don’t hesitate to ask a classmate or your teacher.

Seek professional help

If you need it, seeking professional help is completely normal. Consider making an appointment with your doctor, talking to your parents, to explore your options, or exploring the helpful resources provided online by organizations like Mind.

Try incorporating these tips to ensure that you are looking after your mental health whilst studying. You may find that some work better for you than others, and that’s okay. As long as you have a few strategies that work, you’ll notice an improvement in your productivity and mental well-being.